Our office is located in “Teknopark İstanbul”, the development center of Defence Industry in Istanbul. Our company is a part of this National Defence Companies Cooperation with its advanced engineering skills.

Our company services on the naval, military land vehicles, aircraft and their subsystem in the scope of design, 3D modelling, optimization, simulation and advanced engineering.

Our solutions are in accordance with military and international standarts to provide high system efficiency and be succeed in the acceptance tests.


Shock analysis according to the standarts,  MIL-S-901, BV 043, STANAG 4141 etc.,

Vibration analysis according to the standarts,  MIL-STD-167 etc. are the main parts of our services.

In general, we work on the structural, thermal, vibration, acoustic, shock, underwater explosion (undex), fluid dynamic analyses in our projects and we have innovative product projects that are supported and funded by TÜBİTAK.